When the government announced a plan to build homes on dry land for thousands of Vietnamese boat people, for many families it was a dream come true: a road out of a tough life. But some challenges came ashore with them. Many families faced little alternatives if they wanted to survive but to send their children out to work, despite the risks of all sorts of abuse and exploitation.

Bamboo’s recipe for social empowerment

TUI Care Foundation and Plan International are working together to provide 350 disadvantaged young people and their families in Hué City with a way out of the poverty trap. They aim to set young people on the path to rewarding careers through vocational training and experience, while their families receive support to help them manage their money and keep their younger children in school.

The four-month course includes two and a half months of vocational training at a local training centre, and a six week paid internship in a training restaurant in Hué called TRE – the Vietnamese word for bamboo. The professional experience the students gain  helps the young women and men secure permanent, good quality jobs.

Project partner

Plan International is an international child welfare charity which works in 51 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Plan works to reduce poverty, protect children from violence and improve their access to education, training and sexual health.

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