30 November 2018

103 interactive learning sessions in two days

From colleagues for colleagues – First Digital Garage event at TUI DX campus in Mallorca

TUI Destination Experiences (TUI DX) is one of the growth drivers of TUI Group and is responsible for creating great experiences for our guests when they are on holiday with TUI. This week, colleagues based in Palma de Mallorca have experienced the first ever TUI DX Digital Garage event. The two day event saw colleagues and suppliers from around the world deliver 103 sessions on 15 different topics, with all topics being live streamed and more than 800 dial in connections. Throughout the event there were also ten market stalls showcasing different projects and companies that support TUI DX with our digital ambition, escape rooms promoting design thinking and a digital quiz to test the knowledge colleagues had gained.

The feedback from the event has been very positive with colleagues both in Palma and those joining virtually enjoying the variety of the sessions and the interesting topics on offer.

This is just the beginning of the digital learning journey, more events like this are being planned for other TUI locations.