Agenda item Votes
% Votes
% Votes Total % of
Issued Share
Capital Voted
1 Financial
statements as
of 30 September
2017 and
No resolution required
2 Use of net
profit - Dividend
428,471,947 99.94 272,423 0.06 428,744,370 72.99 215,461
3 Ratification of the actions of the Executive Board for financial year
3.1 Friedrich Joussen
427,635,100 99.72 1,187,156 0.28 428,822,256 73.01 137,575
3.2 Horst Baier 427,615,415 99.72 1,194,418 0.28 428,809,833 73.00 149,998
3.3 David Burling 427,586,303 99.72 1,188,479 0.28 428,774,782 73.00 185,049
3.4 Sebastian Ebel 427,610,695 99.72 1,180,727 0.28 428,791,422 73.00 168,409
3.5 Dr. Elke Eller 427,587,600 99.72 1,191,639 0.28 428,779,239 73.00 180,592
3.6 Frank Rosenberger 427,588,982 99.72 1,181,919 0.28 428,770,901 73.00 188,930
4 Ratifications of the actions of the Supervisory Board for the elapsed financial year
4.1 Prof. Dr Klaus Mangold
399,001,334 93.06 29,772,796 6.94 428,774,130 73.00 185,701
4.2 Frank Jakobi
(Deputy Chairman)
427,814,212 99.78 954,690 0.22 428,768,902 73.00 190,929
4.3 Sir Michael
Hodgkinson (Deputy Chairman)
427,772,299 99.77 980,293 0.23 428,752,592 72.99 207,239
4.4 Andreas Barczewski 427,812,879 99.78 954,290 0.22 428,767,169 73.00 192,662
4.5 Peter Bremme 427,817,188 99.78 950,136 0.22 428,767,324 73.00 192,507
4.6 Prof. Dr Edgar Ernst 427,048,802 99.60 1,718,077 0.40 428,766,879 73.00 192,952
4.7 Wolfgang Flintermann 427,794,612 99.78 960,089 0.22 428,754,701 72.99 204,942
4.8 Angelika Gifford 427,805,258 99.78 955,065 0.22 428,760,323 72.99 199,508
4.9 Valerie Frances
427,790,415 99.77 969,990 0.23 428,760,405 72.99 199,426
4.10 Dr Dierk Hirschel 427,810,978 99.78 948,981 0.22 428,759,959 72.99 199,872
4.11 Janis Carol Kong 427,783,454 99.77 973,689 0.23 428,757,143 72.99 202,548
4.12 Peter Long 427,781,162 99.77 987,808 0.23 428,768,970 73.00 190,861
4.13 Coline Lucille
427,785,423 99.77 976,332 0.23 428,761,755 72.99 198,076
4.14 Alexey Mordashov 292,749,794 99.67 977,838 0.33 293,727,632 50.01 213,615
4.15 Michael Pönipp 427,795,695 99.78 950,455 0.22 428,746,150 72.99 213,401
4.16 Carmen Riu Güell 427,806,930 99.78 954,746 0.22 428,761,676 72.99 198,155
4.17 Carola Schwirn 427,799,861 99.78 954,625 0.22 428,754,486 72.99 205,345
4.18 Anette Strempel 427,801,967 99.78 949,147 0.22 428,751,114 72.99 206,799
4.19 Ortwin Strubelt 427,797,794 99.78 948,764 0.22 428,746,558 72.99 213,273
4.20 Mag. Stefan Weinhofer 427,786,304 99.78 961,303 0.22 428,747,607 72.99 212,224
5 Appointment of
the auditor
428,029,271 99.91 366,592 0.09 428,395,863 72.93 563,828
6 Acquire and use
own treasury
418,138,888 97.57 10,426,950 2.43 428,565,838 72.96 393,993
7 Cancellation of the
authorised capital
in acc. with section
4 (8) of the
Charter and
new authorisation
to increase share capital
– Employee shares
(Authorised Capital)
423,974,461 98.88 4,788,263 1.12 428,762,724 72.99 197,107
8 Adaptation of the
corporate purpose
(Change of
the Charter)
428,677,380 99.98 87,829 0.02 428,765,209 73.00 194,545
9 Election of a
new member
of the Supervisory
Board –
Dr Dieter Zetsche
413,567,069 96.68 14,223,422 3.32 427,790,491 72.83 1,169,340
10 Approval of the
Executive Board
390,397,525 92.01 33,922,292 7.99 424,319,817 72.24 4,639,454