10 January 2020

TUI Foundation presents graphic novel on Europe

Discussion with Young Europe participants at Albrecht Dürer High School in Berlin

In the framework of a discussion with students of Albrecht Dürer High School in Berlin-Neukölln, the authors and Neukölln’s district mayor Martin Hikel, TUI Foundation presented the graphic novel “Spiel der Sterne” (Game of Stars). The discussion, held shortly before Christmas, was facilitated by TV journalist Sandra Maischberger. In the run-up to the event, the students had read the graphic novel and discussed its contents in the classroom. It tells the story of four friends who come across an old computer game. They play the game and complete various challenges – the Euro Challenge, the Human Rights Bay and the Sustainability Beach. The different levels of the game mix with the players’ personal experiences and current political issues facing the continent. In this way, the graphic novel encourages the readers to reflect on Europe, one of the key goals of the work performed by TUI Foundation.

A lively debate about Europe and its future arose at Albrecht Dürer High School. The students had prepared many questions for the young people and actively took part in the discussion. The debate focused in particular on questions regarding Europe’s identity, European culture and the possibility of a “United States of Europe”. The video presents some comments made by participants in the event

Alongside the Young Europe Charter, the graphic novel is another result of the Young Europe project implemented by TUI Foundation in cooperation with iRights.Lab in 2019. More than 100 young people from Germany had taken part in an online competition, sharing their ideas regarding the future of Europe in texts, videos, photos and audio files. Some of them took part in workshops held in Berlin, where they intensively discussed the wishes and issues raised. They received inputs from experts from the fields of politics, media, business and arts. The graphic novel “Game of Stars” builds on the creative ideas, hopes, fears and personal experiences of those involved. On that basis, the two authors Lina Walde and Sheree Doningo present a picture of the future of Europe.

The ideas from the project were also included in the Young Europe Charter published before the European elections 2019 – and personally handed over to Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil and CDU Faction Leader Ralph Brinkhaus a few days before the European elections. In the Charter, young people call for a European Community founded on solidarity and present specific ideas regarding the future of Europe. They call, for instance, for an “Agency for Dignity” within the EU, stricter and more consistent commitment to environmental protection and a coherent economic policy serving people.