14 September 2018

Birgit Conix TUI CFO from 1 October – Horst Baier to hand over from the start of the new financial year

The Supervisory Board of TUI AG chaired by Professor Dr Klaus Mangold has decided that Birgit Conix (52) will take over as TUI Group’s CFO from 1 October 2018. As announced last spring, Birgit Conix will succeed CFO Horst Baier (61), who will be handing over when his current service contract expires after 22 years with the organisation and almost 11 years as Executive Board Member at TUI. According to the resolution adopted by the Supervisory Board, the CFO transition will take place as at the start of financial year 2019. Birgit Conix has been a member of TUI Group’s Executive Board since mid-July 2018. She joined TUI from her previous role as CFO at the Belgian Telenet Group.