Counter-motions/Election proposals pursuant to sections 126, 127 AktG that maybe received by us will be published here if they have to be made accessible for legal requirements.

Counter-motion re. Item 3

Submitter: Wilm Diedrich Mueller

Re. Item 3 of the Agenda: "People, I hereby submit the motion that the acts of management of none of the Executive Board members be ratified for financial year 2014/15."

Reasons: The reason for my counter-motion is that I am upset with the TUI company because that TUI company had forcibly taken away all my shares in the Hapag-Lloyd company from me against my will in an allegedly legal so-called squeeze-out procedure and had not returned the shares to me by the date of the Annual General Meeting, about one year ago, of the TUI company mentioned above.

You may support the counter-motion by voting "NO" on the respective agenda item. 

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